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  1. Joint, Antenna-Radio Handbook (in Japanese), Ohm, 2006-10.
  2. Joint, Theory and Method of Information Transmission (in Japanese), Baifukan, 2006-06.
  3. Takahiko Saba, Synchronization Techniques in Mobile Communications (in Japanese), Triceps, 2001-09.
  4. Joint, Electronic Telecommunication Dictionary, Revised Ed. (in Japanese), Corona, 1999-07.

Invited Papers

  1. Duk-Kyu Park, Takahiko Saba, and Jeffrey H. Reed, "Technical Standard for Unlicensed Radio Device on DTV Band in U.S.A. (in Japanese),"  IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol.J91-B, no.11, pp.1351-1358, 2008-11.
  2. Takahiko Saba, "Synchronization Techniques in Mobile Communications (in Japanese)," Journal of Signal Processing, vol.8, no.2, pp.87-98, 2004-03.


Saba Lab., Dept. of Computer Science,
Faculty of Information and Computer Science,
Chiba Institute of Technology

2-17-1 Tsudanuma, Narashino, 
Chiba 275-0016 Japan